Most people view posture, ergonomics, and musculoskeletal harmony as an afterthought, not worth consideration until they experience some serious muscular or joint pain. A doctor can’t tell you that something is wrong with your shoulder if it’s always hurting. They can always tell you that your diet needs more painkillers…but you don’t want that.
There are people who have been walking around with some mild pain in areas of their body, say their knees or elbows, for months…years…maybe even decades. The pain wasn’t serious enough to warrant medical intervention, so NSAIDS or stronger painkillers were used occasionally or regularly. This blog should especially be read by those people.
Many websites are written to promote supplements and trends as a silver bullet for health. Pardon My Posture ensures that every post is backed by actionable peer-reviewed literature. It doesn’t aim to provide medical advice on this site, as I’m not a qualified doctor. I’m more interested in raising awareness and educating you enough to further investigate. My experience comes from personal injuries and extensive research, which, hopefully, is of use to you. Let’s get better together.